Photography !

Hey guys, how's it going? I'm sorry for being hiatus for a long time. I still can't find myself on bloggin. How terrible.

Anyway, does your school have an extra activity or you can call it 'eskul' ? In my school, it's called 'Excellent Life Skill' or we can shorten it with 'ELS'. Every students in my school have to join this. But, we can't choose the activities or lessons we want. There are 4 lessons actually, and we have to join them all. One lesson in one term, that's how they divide the 4 lessons. I got Broadcasting lessons in the previous term. And now, I'm enjoying myself in Photography lessons. The next 2 lessons will be taught when I'm in the next grade.

So here are the photos I took. Haven't edited them yet.

And these are the edited ones

Which one do you think is the best? I'm still a newbie though, so I need comments for my improvement :D For your info, instead of using DSLR or SLR camera, I'm using my pocket camera from Sony. Well, I don't have any SLR or DSLR cameras. Wish my dad would buy me one soon *fingers crossed*



  1. hello there, I read your comment on my 'Mix it Up' post and really appreciate your thoughts. You don't have to be afraid of what people gonna talk about the way you dress. You are who you are, soon their weird stare to you will become a fascinated stare as you gain confidence.
    Don't be afraid of wearing something you love!

    Summer Flounce

    1. Yep, I guess you're right. Maybe I'm not confident enough. I'll try to gain more confidence though. Thanks ! :D

  2. those cupcakes look cutee :)

    1. and mouthwatering :D
      thanks for visiting :)

  3. You took really great pictures.. And those cupcakes make me hungry! :3
    Visit my blog if you don't mind..and would you like to follow each other? Let me know!

    1. thanks ! :D
      followed your blog via gfc :)

  4. Great mei! Sekolah kamu keren deh hahaha kamu belajar apa aja di broadcasting? anyway, nice shots. The best one is the flower shot. Keren loh. Apalagi setelah di edit=)

    1. Hahaha biasa laaahh, masih keren yang lainn. ya cuma cara bicara aja sih supaya enak didenger sm penonton ato pendengarnya hihi. thankss! :D hihi


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